Chairperson for HPN Raffle
HPN tenants, AvPORTS Corporate, AvPORTS employees and even some vendors have been very generous donating prizes such as gift cards, gift baskets, airline tickets, iPods, and NYC Helicopter Tours towards the raffle. All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society.
The “Making Strides against Breast Cancer” campaign culminates with a 5K walk on the campus of Manhattanville College in Purchase, NY encompassing community representation of approximately 20,000 people. For the walk, participants dress in American Cancer Society provided t-shirts designating the contribution level of participants. HPN has had the honor in previous years of wearing “Pace Setter” t-shirts for donating over $2,500.00. As a result of participating in the event, attention is provided to HPN and the surrounding community.
This year the walk due to Covid-19 will be a drive through the Manhattanville College-Purchase, NY campus with participants also decorating their cars in addition to wearing pins, other American Cancer Society swag, and donation level t-shirts. The scheduled date for the 5K “walk/drive” this year is Sunday, October 18, 2020.
Millie Cerone, AvPORTS HPN employee and chairperson for the HPN airport raffle said, “The raffle is highly supported by a special group of employees including HPN airport manager Pete Scherrer and other departments going out of their way to sell tickets for this worthy cause, and as you can see it is working very well.”
The raffle is open to all AvPORTS employees and their families. If you would like to participate, please contact Millie Cerone via email, mdc1@westchestergov.com by October 13, 2020 to secure your raffle ticket(s). Checks made out to American Cancer Society.

Some of the raffle items:
- 2 round trip seats Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard
- Tablet
- $500 Gift Card
- $200 Gift Card
- $300 Gift Card
- $100 Amazon Gift Card (three of these)
- 1-year CLEAR Membership (fast TSA)
- Instant Cooking Pot
- Golf Club and Golf Items
- Wine Gift Basket
- 2 round trip tickets from HPN to LEB
- Battery-operated Police Vehicle
- iPad Mini
- BOSE Bluetooth Speaker
- Bottle “Macallan” Scotch
Thank you to all participants and kudos to Millie and the HPN Team!